Basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas have different appearances, but it’s important to have a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis as there can be a crossover in appearances of the two.

Basal cell carcinomas classically look like a smooth growth with a raised edge and a dent or a dimple in the middle. Or they can appear as a waxy looking lump or a red patch. Sometimes they can be white/pale/yellow scar-like area.

Squamous cell cancers usually appear as scaly red patches or hard crusty lesions. Sometimes they can be wart like lumps or sores that bleed easily do not heal. If you have a skin lesion like this and you notice a lump in a lymph gland, such as a lymph gland in your neck, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

I’m often asked if skin cancer is painful. Skin cancers are not usually painful. The most common symptoms are of a change in appearance of the skin or itching. If the skin cancer grows very rapidly or ulcerates, then it could cause local pain or tenderness.