For most things you can refer to these general instructions that cover most of what you need to know:
Basic WordPress

One of the main things you’ll need to note is that some content is created in “Pages“, articles are created using “Posts” and video content is added via a custom-post-type named “Videos“(see the left sidebar of the dashboard). You can either edit the content using the “edit” links that display in the public pages when you are logged in (this is helpful when the content you want to edit is an excerpt on the homepage or on an archive page of multiple posts)—or you can go to the admin dashboard and find your content there.

You can refer to already-published pages and posts for a model. Open up a page or post that’s similar to the one you want to create and check how images, texts, and other data have been added.

A few extra notes for your website particularly:

To create a new article

Go to “Posts” and select “Add New Post”.


Give the post a title, add a featured image, put the content in the main content area and “publish”. 

You can assign it a category but right now you’re not set up with the option to display posts by categories as you have too few articles for this to be worth it. We can increase the number of posts per index page as you add more articles first and then, if you get too many for people to browse easily this way, it might be worth adding the by-category option.

To add a new video

Click the “Add new video” that is under the “Videos” section in the dashboard sidebar (see first screenshot below).


Then enter the title and go down to the bottom of the page to find the custom fields (closed by default—see second screenshot below for closed and third for open state) for:
– Video URL
– Excerpt

Accordions closed by default
Accordions open

Enter the url of the video where you find it on You Tube and a very short excerpt that describes the video in a way that gives people a good idea what they’ll be watching (do not prioritise seo-keywords over being informative here) and “publish”.

In the list of videos when you view by “View All” in the admin panel, you can drag/drop the video posts into new order if you want to keep some older ones at the top. Otherwise, the most recently-posted videos will go to the top of the page by default.


The homepage is full of sections that are drawn from the excerpts of different pages. The easiest way to edit these is to go to the homepage when you are already logged in and use the little “edit” links that display by each excerpt there.

Condition Pages, Treatment Pages and Testimonials

Each of the five conditions that you treat has a parent page and a number of child-pages that become content that is enclosed in accordions.

To set child pages to be accordions that are closed by default (which is the case for the treatment child pages) you select the template “Accordions closed by default” from the list of available templates for the parent page.

To set child pages to be accordions that are open by default (which is the case for the condition child pages) you select the template “Accordions open by default” from the list of available templates for the parent page.

Each child page has a list of special classes you can assign (in a set of custom fields available at the bottom of the page). Most of these are unused for special styling but the one for “Patient Testimonials” needs to be selected for the special styling for those child pages (and you need to choose the WordPress “Quote” option for each block of text that is one testimonial—rather than just “Paragraph”).

Also, when a child page is a list of FAQs, choose the class “FAQ” and the parent page will automatically display a link for that content to be displayed in a single page of its own (with breadcrumbs).

You can edit content child-page by child page using the edit links that display on the public-facing pages (when you are already logged in).

Treatment pages are similar to Condition pages but currently used the accordions-closed-by-default template.

Both condition and treatment pages (and the child pages under “Patient Information“) use a featured image which displays at the top of the page automatically. You can add these directly into the featured image field or you can add them to the media library first and then access them from there.

You can add more images to the content down the pages by inserting images where you want them in the main content field.

Remember: it can be helpful to open a page that is like what you want a new page to be and study the way it is set up in the admin pages.


If you have any trouble, please re-read the Basic WordPress instructions to be sure the answer is not there. If you are still stumped, feel free to request help by email: rhm@hamiltrowebsitedesign.com.

Also, you’ll find some resources about maintaining ongoing website health here.